Arthur Holm |
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Arthur Holm

General Overview :

ARTHUR HOLM is shaping the boardroom of the future. We offer an inspiring product range providing superior materials with an innovative design, flexibility and customization.

We create solutions to enhance communication, decision making and collaboration in reception areas and conference and meeting spaces.

About Products & Products Range :

  • Microphone Solutions

elegant retractable system for gooseneck microphones with exclusive features. It not only makes the microphone disappear within the desk surface but it also provides a pleasant light to indicate its status. Due to its protective patented lighting ring, the microphones can be safely stored, protected, making meeting and conference spaces more flexible and versatile.

  • Dynamic Motorized Speakers

Meeting rooms are where ideas are born, a sanctuary of creativity, the place where important decisions are taken. If a spoken dialog or the sound of a presentation is unintelligible, much of the communication is lost. In a meeting and conference room, there is the need to spread the sound over a long length of tables.

  • Motorized Monitors for Furniture Integrations

Arthur Holm Motorized foldable product range that provides different working positions while keeping a low profile inside the desk and a perfect integration in the furniture. This aluminum monitor rises and leans, has an additional 180° rotation movement, and retracts inside the work surface in 2 different positions: with the monitor oriented up or down.

  • Wall Monitors

Rise on-wall monitors are ideal to offer relevant meeting information when placed outside a conference or purpose- built room, where they will undoubtedly catch the eye of the public.

  • Kiosk

Interactive solutions improve the user engagement and experience, no matter what environment – from a reception in a company, a wayfinding directory to lecterns and speaker podiums.