LINEV Systems |
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LINEV Systems

General Overview :

World-class, high-quality products and solutions are delivered from the USA, UK, and EU to all regions of the world by the unique ecosystem of worldwide businesses known as LINEV Systems, which has over 30 years of experience in the X-ray technology sector.

LINEV Systems companies are grown under the LINEV Group umbrella brand. In addition to exceeding customers’ expectations, the united unification enables the LINEV Group firms to stay one step ahead of the competition and provide the highest quality goods and services.

LINEV Systems is an eco-group of businesses that specializes in providing the Security, Medical, and NDT markets with industry-leading X-ray systems.

Since the world we live in now is dynamic and unstable, innovation for the future must provide a smart society where we can enjoy the highest quality of life.

The LINEV Systems is working to advance technologies that will improve the health, safety, and well-being of the people around us by chasing scientific truth.


About Products & Products Range :


  • X-ray Security Screening



Combining innovative threat detection technologies with intelligent and flexible system designs,
LINEV SYSTEMS‘s full body screening and inspection systems busted with Artificial intelligence provide exceptional automated processing, threat recognition and throughput rates.


LINEV SYSTEMS‘s technologies safeguard people, airports and aircrafts, ships and the flow of goods, state boundaries, critical infrastructure and mass ventures against present-day threats such as terrorism and illegal guns and drugs trafficking.





  • Medical X-ray Imaging


LINEV SYSTEMS offers new solutions for the intensively developing market of digital radiography and X-ray screening.

The patented scanning technology of digital X-ray image acquiring forms the basis for the design of the majority of LINEV SYSTEMS’s systems.

This technology provides access to the most modern achievements and most effective results in this field for a wide range of users.