Cisco |
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General Overview :

Cisco Systems is the worldwide leader in networking for the Internet. The company was founded in 1984 by two computer scientists from Stanford University seeking an easier way to connect different types of computer systems. Cisco’s networking solutions connect people, computing devices and computer networks, allowing people to access or transfer information without regard to differences in time, place or type of computer system. Cisco Systems built the Internet so we know exactly what it takes to get your business online. Take advantage of our experience and knowledge to get the Internet working effectively for your business.

About Products & Products Range :

  • Switches

Cisco switches & routers are always learning, adapting, and protecting. Build a foundation for digital transformation at your data center, core, or edge. Cisco network switches deliver performance and security. Cisco switches are scalable and cost-efficient and meet the need for any size of business.

  • Routers

Cisco routers provide high availability, comprehensive security, integrated wireless, ease of management, and advanced Quality of Service (QoS) for today’s most demanding network services, including IP communications, video, customer relationship management, financial transactions, and other real-time applications.

  • Datacenter

Cisco data center solutions provide technology for big data, cloud services, virtualization, applications, and integrated infrastructure.

  • Wireless

Cisco wireless networking combines the mobility of wireless with the performance of wired networks, offering a dramatic performance increase compared to legacy 802.11a/g networks.

Cisco delivers 802.11n and 802.11ac excellence designed to effectively support a vast range of business-focused wireless networks.

  • Collaboration

People work together in different ways. And they use a lot of collaboration tools: IP telephony for voice calling, web and video conferencing, voice mail, mobility, desktop sharing, instant messaging and presence, and more. Unified communications (UC) solutions deliver integration of these tools, with seamless user experiences that help people work together more effectively. Anywhere, on any device. They bring real-time communication from your phone system and conferencing solutions together with messaging and chat, and integrate with everyday business applications using APIs.

  • Security

The Cisco Secure portfolio contains a broad set of technologies that work as a team, providing seamless interoperability with your security infrastructure–including third-party technologies. This results in unified visibility, automation, and stronger defenses. Through the built-in Cisco SecureX platform.

Cisco Website :